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By Adam Skitt

Navigating the Costs of School Residentials


With over 20 years of experience in the world of outdoor adventures, we've seen it all! In this video, we want to take you on a journey through the factors that play a role in the pricing of school residential and show you how New Forest Activities fits into the equation.

Understanding the Basics

Let's start with the basics. Whether you're a school, a charity, or a funded organisation like the scouts or guides, the cost of your residential can vary significantly. Charities often offer more budget-friendly options, thanks to subsidies. But regardless of who you choose to go with, there are a few non-negotiables to keep in mind.

1. Licensing and Accreditation

First things first ensure your chosen provider has the necessary licensing and approvals. Look out for indicators like Adventure Mark, membership of the Institute for Outdoor Learning, and a commitment to learning outside the classroom. These tell you that the center takes your residential seriously, focusing on proper outdoor learning principles.

2. The Three Price Driving Factors

Now, let's dive into what makes school residentials cost more or less.

Staffing: If you're after a high staff-to-participant ratio, your costs will be lower. Think of activities like walking, bushcraft, wide games, and team challenges, where you might have one instructor for a larger group.

Equipment: Activities that require specialised equipment, like sailing or laser tag, can drive up costs. Not only do these activities involve the purchase of gear, but they also require ongoing maintenance.

Depth of Activities: Duration matters. Short, 45-minute taster sessions can be more affordable. On the flip side, longer, in-depth experiences provide more time for adventure and skill-building but come at a higher price.

The Travel Dilemma

Getting to the activity location is another piece of the puzzle. Do you need to travel to your provider's location, or does everything happen on-site? Travel costs can add up, so consider whether your provider has a boundary fence to keep things cost-effective.

The Food and Accommodation Factor

Food and accommodation can be significant costs in your residential. Larger centers often benefit from economies of scale. Seasonal providers might charge more due to their smaller scale. Catering in-house can be cheaper than hiring external professionals.

As for accommodation types, they don't always dictate cost differences, except during the winter when heating can make roofed building pricier.

Service Level Matter

Think about the level of service you want from your provider. Are they a one or two-person operation, or do they have a dedicated support team? More support ofter means higher price.

Where Does New Forest Activities Fit In?

At New Forest Activities, we're a commercial center with a wealth of experience. We offer a full back-office team to assist you every step of the way. We hold all the necessary accreditations and boast excellent reviews.

Our focus is on high-quality, in-depth experiences, ensuring that every youngster learns new skills and bonds with their classmates. We keep everyone involved throughout the adventure.

Transport-wise, we comply with all regulations for our minibusses and have unique transport solutions for offsite activities.

Our site is private, giving you exclusivity, and our pricing is competitive, with options to tailor programs to your budget.

Get in Touch

Ready to learn more about what we offer? Give us a call and chat with our team. We're here to make your school residentials unforgettable. See you soon!

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